
Skapad .

Voice talents, voice artists, voice actors – different terms for the same thing; voice over professionals.


We have over 1,400 voice over talents in our database. All of them are highly qualified,

You’ll know a Voice To Me voice over talent by these characteristics:experienced native voice over professionals living in their native countries which ensures a contemporary, hands-on approach to local culture and mindset– aspects, which all have great impact on pronunciation, articulation and overall tone of voice – be it colloquial or business language.

  • Professional voice over experience (min. three years)
  • Professional studio setup
  • Editing/post production skills
  • Best sound quality
  • Broadband internet connection
  • Top delivery performance
  • Instant availability
  • High efficiency/low retake rates

Recommended voice over talents

Recommended voice over talents are contracted voice over professionals with whom we have a close collaboration. Recommended voice over talents are the top listed voice over professionals indicated by a star.

Fast turnaround for your voice over project

See the star icon symbolizing our recommended voice over talents as a “cut to the chase” indicator. We do not have to negotiate a price for each individual inquiry.
Due to our market leading position, frame agreements with our recommended voice over talents not only entail surprisingly attractive rates and fast delivery they also ensure fast quotes and exact price estimation which allow you to make immediate and dependable cost estimates on your project.

Best value voice over recordings

As within most other industries, basic business textbook rules prevail: when volumes go up, prices go down. This is why our recommended voice over talents are your best value choice. 9 out 10 clients choose our recommended voice over talents for their projects.

Voice over first takes are our specialty

Our voice over talents know the name of the game. They have years of experience in adapting style and feel to your requirements. You’ll be surprised just how precisely they’re able to nail the right tone of voice without tedious instructions and numerous retakes.

Zero time-waste on voice file editing

All voice over talents are experienced audio engineers and post producers. This limits time wasting processes as your audio files won’t need to go through tons of delaying steps if you need additional editing, file splitting etc. Ordering voice overs at Voice To Me is a one step process.

Only active voice over talents

You won’t find idle profiles in our database. If voice over talents do not report back on inquiries or turn down assignments they’re removed from our database. That’s why you can always count of the “goods” we have on display.

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Här kommer ett urval av projekt vi fått nöjet att leverera röster till under veckan.


Jablotron larmsystem, webbfilm
Parks and Resort, film
Toyota, radioreklam
Wings, ljudbok, radioreklam
Jonsered, webfilm
Easy Park, radioreklam
Gardena – informationsfilm Ungerska
Akademikliniken – lokal tv
Plaze- lokal radio
ICA- information, kinesiska
TNT- tv, engelska
Ibuy, E-learning, engelska
Almedahls – Telefonväxel
Philips – Internet, Svenska, Danska, Norska, Finska
Eltel – Information Engelska
Uboot- Webfilm
Pratopractico- Webfilm
Iglu- Webfilm
Naloc – informationsfilm, Danska, Ungerska, Finska, Holländska, Norska
Apple – Informationsfilmer
Naloc- Tv reklam Holländska
Religion åk7-9- ljudbok
BMW – Telefonväxel
XL Bygg – Webfilm
Seagull – E-learning, Portugisiska
Nypozin- Tv reklam
Liber – information
Volvo – Information
Fiberoptik- information
Lagunen – Arena, norska
Levins & Serenanders – Webreklam
CS Ekonomi, radioreklam
Almi – information
Panzerglass – webfilm
Jysk – Tv reklam
Cramo – Webfilm
Husqvarna – Tv reklam
Kalix Mässa – Tv reklam

Behöver du också en röst? Boka här

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Två sätt att snabbt hitta rätt röst till ditt nästa projekt.

1, Låt en expert hjälpa dig att finna rätt röst.
Det här är det enklaste sättet… Fyll bara i vårt korta formulär och låt en professionell ”voicecaster” föreslå en röstinläsare efter dina önskemål och som passar dina behov.

2, Välj själv en röst från röstbank.
När du hittat en röst i vårt röstarkiv som passar ditt projekt behöver du bara fylla i vårt korta offertformulär så återkommer vi med en prisuppgift och leveransbesked inom 2 timmar.

Om du behöver hjälp, tips eller råd, finns våra koordinatorer tillgängliga för dig via direktchatt under kontorstid. Det går också givetvis bra att ringa oss på +46 (0) 36 770 15 40, eller mejla


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Idag fick vi vår nya telefonväxel installerad. Vi passade också på att byta ut våra hälsningsmeddelanden, Lyssna till ett smakprov här:

Vill du också byta ut ditt företags hälsningsmeddelanden?
Just nu erbjuder Voice To Me 50% på en ny växelröst. Klicka här för mer information

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You’re only as good as your last performance. We want our services to be perfect – each and every time. Our talent manager and producers make sure everybody shine and perform to their max. Monitoring sound quality, delivery performance and other parameters crucial to your experience keeps our voice over talents sharp. Sharing pieces of good advice on recording setup, noise reduction, editing routines, new gear etc. ensures that our voice over talents are always updated on the latest trends in pro audio recording equipment.

Recommended voice over talents
Recommended voice over talents are contracted voice over professionals with whom we have a close collaboration. Recommended voice over talents are the top listed voice over professionals indicated by a star.

Fast turnaround for your voice over project
See the star icon symbolizing our recommended voice over talents as a “cut to the chase” indicator. We do not have to negotiate a price for each individual inquiry.

Due to our market leading position, frame agreements with our recommended voice over talents not only entail surprisingly attractive rates and fast delivery they also ensure fast quotes and exact price estimation which allow you to make immediate and dependable cost estimates on your project.

Best value voice over recordingsimages
As within most other industries, basic business textbook rules prevail: when volumes go up, prices go down. This is why our recommended voice over talents are your best value choice. 9 out 10 clients choose our recommended voice over talents for their projects.

You can filter your search to only display recommended voice over talents by selecting “recommended voice over talents only” in the left column of the “find voice over talent” page.

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Passa på att göra ett bättre första intryck.

Just nu erbjuder Voice To Me inläsning av promptar (meddelanden) till ditt företags telefonväxel i samband med att Ni beställer en voiceover till Ert nästa projekt.
Samma röst som informerar eller marknadsför Ert företag kan alltså även svara i telefonen när Era kunder ringer.
Voicebranding är ett enkelt och kostnadseffektivt sätt att skapa igenkänning och trygghet hos kunderna…


Beställ en röstinläsning under januari och februari 2014 så får Ni 50% rabatt på en telefonväxelinläsning av samma röst. Prisexempel:
10 meddelanden inläst av en svensk, eller engelsk röst = 2500kr
(I priset ingår: inläsning, filsplitting, ljudprocessing, konvertering till valfritt ljudformat samt fulla rättigheter för telefon)

Klicka här för att boka en telefonväxelinläsning eller en gratis demoinläsning till Ert företag.
(Ps, vi hjälper självklart gärna till med manus om så önskas)